The purpose of this paper is to present an alternative, generalized approach to the minimum volume design of spur gear units based upon a traditional nonlinear programming, optimal design formulation with multiple objectives. In the latter reference, a closed-form procedure is presented which, under specific assumptions, is applicable to single-stage and two-stage gear sets. In the earlier literature, perhaps one of the first notable presentations of an optimal gear design formulation is that of Johnson recent work related to the minimum-volume design problem includes that of Savage, Coy, and Townsend, Carroll and Johnson, and in addition an AGMA Information Sheet, “A Rational Procedure for the Preliminary Design of Minimum Volume Gears,”. Techniques for minimum volume (i.e., minimum weight) preliminary design of simple and multiple-stage spur gear reduction units have been a subject of considerable interest. This information allows the designer to judge overall trends and, for example, to assess the penalty in surface fatigue lifetime which would occur for a given weight reduction. The approach serves to extend traditional design procedures by demonstrating the tradeoff between surface fatigue life and minimum volume using a basic multiobjective optimization procedure. The methodology is applied to the design of two-stage and three-stage spur gear reduction units, subject to identical loading conditions and design criteria. The purpose of this paper is to present a generalized optimal design formulation with multiple objectives which is, in principle, applicable to a gear train of arbitrary complexity. One of the principal steps in traditional design procedures relates to the determination of an “optimal” value of diametral pitch at which tooth bending fatigue failure and surface fatigue failure are equally likely. The problem of minimum volume preliminary design of simple and multiple-stage spur gear reduction units has been a subject of considerable interest, since many high-performance power transmission applications (e.g., automotive and aerospace) require low weight.